The understanding of a new language is one of the most difficult skills to develop once you are in the process, but difficult does not mean impossible, and just as millions have achieved it, you will not be the exception, follow these tips that will help you improve your English comprehension:
Listen and practice
To make significant progress, it is essential to practice everything you learn, it is useless if you spend hours in front of the TV watching movies in English or passively listening to audios, you need to be “active” in your learning, you must talk to native English speakers. A good and practical way is to go to the internet where today it is possible to interact with people around the world in real time, and if you do it with English teachers specialized in teaching the English language, the result will be incredible.
Zero stress level
What things do you “love” (more than just like)… sports, culinary, astronomy…? Search in English for programs, audios, and environments of these topics that you are deeply passionate about, and you will notice how your understanding of the language becomes enjoyable, fun, and interesting. The conceptual relationship of the language in subjects that you already master in some way is made simple. We learn more easily what we like and are interested in.
Expand your vocabulary
In the new language, it is very important to enrich your vocabulary on a daily basis, in this way, you will have the necessary tools to be recursive and use different words to be able to express your ideas clearly and on the other hand, when listening you only have to worry about fine-tuning your understanding auditory (the sounds of the words “you already know”), it is useless if you understand and know how they sound if you have no idea of their meaning.
Take risks
Get involved as an active part in situations where you have to take sides or act with the information you receive in English. The brain is forced to respond naturally, it doesn’t matter if you fail. You also learn from mistakes. It is a simple sense of survival… are you going to let yourself die? Never! You defend yourself as it is, and you get ahead. We guarantee you a great list of funny anecdotes to tell at the end of the road.
Time and dedication
This is the secret formula to progress in your understanding of the English language until you achieve total mastery. Every minute you spend learning and/or perfecting your language skills is time you spend on your future, it’s time that brings you closer to the goal, it’s the way you should see it, every minute spent translates into progress, big and small satisfactions. Remember, all things that are worthwhile are worth effort, and in the end, the only winner is you.