if you want colourful animation for your website, web app, or a mobile app then Lottie is your way to go as it is small in size, high quality, interactive and can be updated with the pass of time. And i am here to help you in making best Lottie animations.
A Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that enables designers to ship animations on any platform as easily as shipping static assets. They are small files that work on any device and can scale up or down without pixelation.
what you will get
An animation in jason/svg animation format. (default delivery)
Gif can also be provided if needed
Custom size (buyer should mention the size(width x height) as you want
Extra fast delivery
svg animation/ Lottie files are best for website and mobile app design because of:
High resolution and high graphic quality
Tiny file size
Work for both IOS, Android, window
svg animations/jason Lottie files can be used for
splash screens
loading icons for website or mobile
animated elements for landing page/mobile app
loading icons for website or mobiles any many more
Frequently Asked Questions
Basic animation of one element - icon, button, etc