workandhire Contractors » Search results » afsoungabbai45 Portfolio  
Profile Details FREELANCER
Username: afsoungabbai45   img
Country: United States
English Level: Good
Language Spoken: English
Average hourly rate $12
Response Time 7 Hrs
Looking For: Work
About Me:

I can be your virtual assistant, personal or for your business.


Do you have too many things to do and It's impossible to keep up with everything? Do you need someone to take care of management and organization? Or you just need help with something... maybe something you don't want to do.

I'll take care of it!

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This is an Freelancer Profile. View Employeer Profile

About Me

I can be your virtual assistant, personal or for your business.


Do you have too many things to do and It's impossible to keep up with everything? Do you need someone to take care of management and organization? Or you just need help with something... maybe something you don't want to do.

I'll take care of it!

You always can chat and negotiate with the seller about the requirement and price. You also can ask the seller to send a new offer price that suits your purpose. Buyers have the option to create their own project and invite the freelancers to bid on the project And the buyer chooses the best one. Your money is safe and freelancers get paid only after you close the service/project and leave feedback for the seller.

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